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program for deadline scheduling...

PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 11:06 am
by mjob25
i just want someone to help me program deadline scheduling algorithm... here's the following standards our professor gave us...

1. number of jobs should be flexible
2. the user will be the one to input the arrival time, cpu burst and deadline
3. it should produce a gantt chart
4. the user shall see the computation of turnaround time and waiting time.
5. it should be made on c, c++ or java...

Please help me to do it...

Re: program for deadline scheduling...

PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 4:28 pm
by Robert Sample
Since your professor probably doesn't want you turning in work someone else did as your own (plagiarism has such negative connotations in academic circles), exactly what are you asking for?

Re: program for deadline scheduling...

PostPosted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 6:36 am
by mjob25
I 'm not asking for someone to do it... I'm asking anyone to HELP ME DO IT...

Re: program for deadline scheduling...

PostPosted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 6:53 am
by Robert Sample
So what, precisely, are you needing help in? If you are unable to clearly state what you're having trouble with -- as is the case so far -- there's not a whole lot of help we can provide. We need a problem to work on, not just a general statement of what you want a program to do. There are many, many, many ways to write a program and we have no idea so far what you've done on it. Please remember, this is a HELP forum, not an instructional facility -- most responders are professionals being paid to work on problems for their employer, and do this forum in their spare time.

Some questions:
What data structures do you see needing?
What kind of input (file, keyboard, parameter) do you see needing?
Do you have a subroutine to produce a Gantt chart already?
What do you mean "the user shall see the computation of turnaround time and waiting time" -- are these outputs, or are you supposed to show each step of the calculation (and if so, in a file? on the screen? some other way?) or something else?

Hint: For something like a scheduler, a doubly-linked list works well since you can then add jobs into the list based on start time (for example, if that's what you decide to use).

Re: program for deadline scheduling...

PostPosted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 7:47 am
by mjob25
I'm very sorry... You misunderstood what I'm pertaining to. My professor just instructed us to do it, with no guide at all... What I just understood on his standard is that the user shall see the computation of turnaround and waiting time as an output, for example:

tt1 20-2=18
tt2 16-0=16
tt3 26-4=22
ttave 56/3=18.67ms

Also, input pertains to keyboard input... example, the program needs an input for the cpu burst of job 1, then i'll type 3.

I really need help also in doing the gantt chart because our previous instructor didn't teach how to use arrays and strings...

All he wants to see as an output is the gantt chart, showing the partitions of the jobs and the computation of turnaround and waitnig time...

I'm really very sorry...