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QMF batch - maximum parameter length from SYSTSIN card

PostPosted: Thu Mar 14, 2019 10:01 pm
by twolights56
I have been running QMF in batch mode via the JCL for many years.
I can even successfully pass parameters through the //SYSTSIN card that are
received and handled as QMF variables... as the following exemplifies:


(where &&US, &&S1, &&S2, and &&S3 are parameters that are being passed to the QMF procedure abcd.QMF_TB_MEF_P1
Regretfully, I find that the amount of parameters that one can pass in the //SYSTSIN card is
limited to 98 bytes (give or take two bytes) - similar to the JCL limit that can be passed in the
JCL PARM statement. Can anyone suggest a way around this ?

thank-you kindly