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Replace a character by variable number of spaces

PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 2:33 pm
by ankushgattani

I have a requirement and i wanted to know if anyone has any suggestions on how to go about it.

I have to search for a hex value (X'5F') in position (2,19). (there can be multiple occurences of this value, we've to process them all)
If this is found, I have to look at the next column hexadecimal value (it will be number, for ex x'10'). This number tells us how many SPACES are to be introduced.
I have to replace
>(X'5F10') by 10 SPACES.
>(X'5F04') by 4 SPACES.
>(X'5F19') by 19 SPACES.


Input record:
DBERG¬.10206¬.OVER C

The output will be
DBERG          10206    OVER C

Note : Along with this I had some 30 different conditions, which I was able to code with ICETOOL.
So if there are more than one ways to do it, I'd prefer ICETOOL :)

Thanks for your help in advance.

Re: Replace a character by variable number of spaces

PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 3:07 pm
by BillyBoyo
Can you post what you have already then? Difficult to fit it into something we haven't seen :-)

Re: Replace a character by variable number of spaces

PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 3:59 pm
by ankushgattani
actaully for every condition,I am reading the input file and applying the condition.
So all the steps are independent of each other.

I just wanted to use ICETOOL, so that I dont have to code a new step.