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Retain code in promotion libraries after an install in produ

PostPosted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 5:11 pm
by Blackthorn
We use ChangeMan for both applications programs and JCL. When the package is promoted during testing, code is created in the test/QA libraries. When the package is installed in to production that code is deleted.

Whilst this makes sense for programs (since jobs running in test can use the production loadlib) in the case of JCL we would like to retain the code in the test/QA libraries. There does not seem to be any facility to do this. The code is deleted using the CMNINLPM skeleton and the parameter passed to this is the package number rather than individual objects. The delete is then done via the ChangeMan started task rather than in the batch job that does the production install.

Does anyone have any ideas on overcoming this?