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Want to copy multiple CA7 DOC05s from mainframe to Unix

PostPosted: Fri Aug 09, 2019 4:46 am
by Rockk
Is it possible to NDM muliple PDS members/files from Mainframe to Unix? I've created a folder in Unix server, and want to send all the DOC05s (PDS members) to a UNIX folder, the name should be the element's names. Anyone could help? Thanks a lot.

This code is working if i want to transfer one DOC05 from mainframe to Unix. Below code is able to transfer one DOC05 file 'ABCXXXX' from dataset DNS.CCC.TT.BB.AA to unix location '/abc/xyz/' and file name is same as mainframe.

submit maxdelay=unlimited PHLS process SNODE=PGT snodeid=(XXXXX)
copy from (file=DNS.CCC.TT.BB.AA(ABCXXXX) snode)
to (file=/abc/xyz/ABCXXXX pnode

I want to transfer all job DOC05s from that above dataset to a directory on UNIX server and name of those files should be as in mainframe. Tried below code but it is giving error message
'more than 1 PDS members cannot be sent to a Non-PDS.

Can you please help ?

submit maxdelay=unlimited PHLS process SNODE=PGT snodeid=(XXXXX)
copy from (file=DNS.CCC.TT.BB.AA/ABC* snode)
to (file=/abc/xyz/ABCXXXX pnode