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How to print the MSGCLASS and route to CA-Dispatch

PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:34 am
by andy_b321
A user wants a hardcopy of JCL statements/sys msgs automatically printed daily. Our site uses MSGCLASS=V to route the log to Dispatch, but this app is not able to automatically print the msgclass. is there a way to code the JCL so we can have MSGCLASS go to a printer PLUS have it routed to Dispatch (online viewing) during execution?

Re: How to print the MSGCLASS and route to CA-Dispatch

PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:31 am
by steve-myers
Dispatch level 1 support can probably help you better than I can; it's been 2 1/2 years since I had anything to do with Dispatch, but I'll do my best.

First, I do not know any "automatic" way to do this, though Dispatch level 1 support may know a way.

If I understand your post correctly, output class V routes output to Dispatch. Some other output class which you did not specify is your "normal" output class. What you have to do is route the output to class V and your "normal" output class. You can do this using // OUTPUT statements in your JCL, like this -

//A JOB ...

You will have to insert your "normal" MSGCLASS into the second OUTPUT statement. Alignment is not critical for these statements, which is why I did not use the code markup. If you want output datasets specified with SYSOUT=* or SYSOUT=V to go to both places, you will have to specify


on every DD statement.

Re: How to print the MSGCLASS and route to CA-Dispatch

PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:05 am
by andy_b321
first of all, thank you for the quick response.

sorry i failed to mention:
our 'normal' output is sent to output datasets with SYSOUT=(J,report name)

Noted, perhaps combining the msgclass with the normal output is one way.

Re: How to print the MSGCLASS and route to CA-Dispatch

PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:16 pm
by steve-myers
Yes, you can do that, though the CADDSPLx (if you're running Dispatch 11), or ENFSPL (if you're still running Dispatch 6.0) definition might have to be updated and the //MSG1 OUTPUT statement would need changes. SYSOUT=(J,report name) is the usual way to send output to a Dispatch report. In Dispatch 6.0, specifying the equivalent of SYSOUT=(J,report name) for MSGCLASS output would create a second instance of the report. Dispatch 11 might be able to connect the two reports together, but I make no promises. In any event, I don't think that's what you really want.

When I said, "Some other output class which you did not specify is your 'normal' output class," I meant non-Dispatch output class.