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How to set up mainframe to DEBUG a cobol batch program?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 9:15 pm
by Danielle
Please help me
Currently in my mainframe system we compile a cobol program using batch jcl to submit
I would like to debug the program instead of using display in a program
how do I set up in mainframe system to Debug a mainfame cobol batch program?
how do I know if the current environment has the debugging tool available ? or it might be available but no one know how to set up? HOw do I know if there is debugging tool available?
thanks in advanced

Re: How to set up mainframe to DEBUG a cobol batch program?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 10:13 pm
by dick scherrer

You need to talk with the people who support your system.

They can tell you what is available and how to use it.