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Looking for an ACF2/TSS database reorganisation program

PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 12:54 am
by Franck_Qc
I went to a conference last year and one of the presentations was about a product that could reorganize a mainframe security database in an intelligent manner, even using an organizational chart to create better profiles. Here is a simple example of what this product could do :

Say I have a TSS database without profiles. Every access is coded directly
into the logon of every userid. This product would scan the entire database,
find common access between userids and create profiles to regroup people

The thing is, I can't for the life of me recall what software company made this. I tried over at CA and apparently it's not them.

Anyone have an idea of what I'm referring to here?

- Franck

Re: Looking for an ACF2/TSS database reorganisation program

PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 3:25 pm
by jaggz

I might not be referring correctly but it looks like similar to DBSYNC.


Re: Looking for an ACF2/TSS database reorganisation program

PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 12:39 am
by Franck_Qc
That's an interesting tool but it's not what I'm looking for

Re: Looking for an ACF2/TSS database reorganisation program

PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 12:59 am
by dick scherrer

Suggest you open an issue with TSS support and ask how to do what you want - not the name of some product that does this.

Re: Looking for an ACF2/TSS database reorganisation program

PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 1:07 am
by Franck_Qc
This isn't the kind of thing that TSS support can help us with. We already have the technical knowledge to do it.

This kind of rework requires a pretty complex algorithm. We are looking into such a product to help us with a huge mess we picked up from a new client. Their profiles are very badly organized and it would be next to impossible to fix them by hand. So before investing time in coding the solution ourselves we want to consider other options. I hate myself for not remembering what vendor offers this solution because Google isn't helping me remember at all :|

Re: Looking for an ACF2/TSS database reorganisation program

PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 1:54 am
by Peter_Mann
I googled 'ca-top secret database reorg products' and found about 2,590,000 results (0.25 seconds), there are a couple of companies out there that provide all mainframe security product tools, rules of this forum frown on such advirtisments in a post.