Requesting help with sort join

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Requesting help with sort join

Postby Srini1808 » Sat Oct 04, 2014 1:27 am

I have 2 files customer and transaction of record lengths 80 and 45, both has a header date in the first record
Customer file
CFHDR08/22/2014 <other header details>>
D1111111111 150.00
D2222222222 350.00
D3333333333. 500.00
Transactions file
TFheader20140822<other header details>>
D11111111111 075.00
D11111111111 075.00
D22222222222 315.00
D55555555555 654.00
My output file must have only detail records, matched by the key like 11111111, the decimal is an amount
D11111111111 075.00
D11111111111 075.00
D22222222222 315.00 -- amount from transaction file
D3333333333. 500.00 - also unmatched acct that is not in transaction file
Also, I need to check the header date before I process. Wondering if Sort can handle it.any suggestion is highly appreciated.
Thanks - sreeni1808
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