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PostPosted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 6:26 pm
by Shobam

I am trying to get the current date using below instruction in output variable "OUTVAL" declared in DSECT. On trying to display OUTVAL variable, am getting "junk values".

I am new to assembler, can you please help me with what I am doing wrong and how to correct it?




PostPosted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 6:48 pm
by Robert Sample
Your first problem is that you need to learn that there are no "junk values" in assembler -- the data may not be human-readable but it is NOT junk.

Second, from the description of the TIME macro in the manual:
The date is returned as packed decimal digits without a sign, where:

YYYY is the year

DDD is the day of the year

MM is the month of the year

DD is the day of the month
so if your OUTVAL contains X'20130813' (for example) then the data is right. It is up to you to convert that to a displayable value.


PostPosted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 8:06 pm
by steve-myers
Mr. Sample is correct: you must translate the output data to readable data. For example -
         USING *,12
         SAVE  (14,12),,*
         LR    12,15
         ED    OUTPUT,DATE
         LA    0,L'OUTPUT
         LA    1,OUTPUT
         TPUT  (1),(0),R
         RETURN (14,12),T,RC=0
OUTAREA  DC    0XL16'0'
TIME     DC    XL8'0'
DATE     DC    XL8'0'
OUTPUT   DC    0C'YYYY/MM/DD',4X'20',C'/',2X'20',C'/',2X'20'
EDITMASK DC    0C'YYYY/MM/DD',4X'20',C'/',2X'20',C'/',2X'20',0D'0'
         END   TCNVT

Anyone learning Assembler must learn how to do these conversions; they are basic to Assembler. If you don't like the order, and many people don't, it is quite easy to move things around. I usually find it easier to prepare edit masks as in my little program. Yes, there is more typing, but you don't have to memorize or look up the hexadecimal codes for special characters ljke the / character. You do have to memorize the 3 codes (you only use 2) for the ED instruction, but that's easier than memorizing / is whatever, : is whatever, . is whatever and so on.

If you're not certain how things work, it's usually a good idea to write and run a very simple test program like this one. Once you have done this it is easy to transfer the working code to your "real" program.

One caution: the TIME macro as you and I have used it generates an inline parameter list that it sends off to timing services. If you are write a program that is intended to be reenterable, which the snippet you provided implies, you must code the macro so the parameter list is in your work area. MVS Programming Assembler Services Reference Vol 2 (IARR2V-XCTLX) for your z/OS release describes how to do this.


PostPosted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 1:30 am
by steve-myers
I got to thinking, What is returned when you specify MIC? Since I didn't know, I decided it would be a good idea to go to the manual. The answer is MIC returns the time of day as an 8 byte (64 bit) binary value of the time of day in microsecond intervals in the first 8 bytes of the output area. If you dump this value after the TIME macro completes it is going to look pretty junky, but, as Mr. Sample said, it is not "junk." My little program specifies DEC, which returns the time of day as 18 packed decimal digits. in the first 8 bytes of OUTAREA.


PostPosted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 4:41 pm
by Shobam

It would be helpful if you could explain the each command executes?

Also how to print the output?



PostPosted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 4:52 pm
by steve-myers
This forum is not intended to be a training or instructional forum. The UNPK/TR sequence to translate binary data to "printable" hexadecimal digits is discussed elsewhere in this forum. If you want detailed understanding of the other instructions in TCNVT, I suggest you open Principle of Operation yourself. "Printing" is much too generic.


PostPosted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 2:07 am
by steve-myers
How to print the output? "Printing" is usually easy. You usually use the PUT macro.

What's hard is preparing output to print. Every programmer develops methods to do this. These methods are often incomprehensible to other programmers, even programmers of similar skill levels.

1970s - During the 1970s I made one important decision. All print type output would go to data sets with variable length records. This decision was based on the observation that most print records were much shorter than the maximum length print record. By using variable length records I would not have to bother with blanks at the right of the record, and, usually, the output data set would be smaller. I have seen no reason to waver from this decision.

1980s - In the early 1980s I wrote a program that formatted lists of linked data areas. There were a large number of these data areas, with a number of different fields. I realized when I started in on this that doing this the "usual" way would entail code that did very simple formatting many times over. Being a lazy sort I decided that the formatting could be done by preparing a format
element that described the type of input, the length of the output, and the offset in data area being formatted. This worked quite well. A couple of years later I wrote a new version of the program. The tables had changed, and the method to link that table entries together had changed, so modifying the old program was not a good idea. The formatting subroutine, on the other hand, stayed, though the formats had evolved to some extent. One big change is the formats allowed for imbedded text strings. I discovered I was using the format routine to prepare single use error type messages, which was never the original intent. A couple of years later I decided to investigate a more generalized format routine. I realized I was generating two types of messages; tabular messages with fixed width fields, and error type messages with variable length fields that demanded two format routines and two types of formats.

1990s - I rewrote the two 1980s routines because I had lost the source. As I used the two routines through the 1990s I made a significant change in the error message format routine; data area pointers were changed from address constants to use S-type address constants.

2000s - I started out by rewriting the error message format with the idea of imbedding the S-type address constants in the formats rather than in a remote address list. I suddenly reaiized that by tweaking the data element format to specify an output length I could write a common routine to generate both tabular reports as well as error messages. A typical format looks like this.
FMT01    DC    AL1(L'FMT01A)
         DC    AL.2(3),AL.6(0),AL1(L'DCBDDNAM,0),SL2(DCBDDNAM)
         DC    X'FF'
This format has three elements
  • An imbedded text sting, " UNABLE TO OPEN ", preceded by its length.
  • A data string, in this case the string is located in DCBDDNAM. The first bit in the AL.2 indicates the format element is for data. The second bit indicates the data address is an S-type constant. If the bit is off, the data area address is a true address constant. The remaining 6 bits indicate the type of data; 0 indicates character data. The next byte indicates the data length, in this case the length the DD name area in a DCB. The next byte indicates the output data length. The 0 indicates trailing blanks in the data are not copied to the output. Next is either an S-type address or a 4 byte true address.
  • An end of format, either X'FF' or X'00'

2010S - i rewrote the format programs. Actually there are two versions
  • A subset version that is designed to be made a part of a program.
  • A "full" version. The "full" version can format date and time data, either the system date and time or date and time stored as data. It has other capabiliies that are mainly of interest to a system programmer. The "full" version will process any format the subset version will process and produce identical output.

Having used these routines for more than 10 years, I can say the formats are not easy to write, especially the extended functions, but I can whip out the basic formats, like the one in the example, from memory. The 2010 version has not been touched since, well, 2010. They have ABENDed many times, but the root cause of the ABEND has always been a bad format, or a bad base register for an S-type address. There have been some surprises along the way.
  • Binary data in a register when the format program is called can be formatted by using an S-type address constant to point to the register area in the save area active when the format program is called.
  • The contents of register 0 can be used as a base register. Actually, I've never tried this, but I think it will work.