Reading SMF rec 110 (CICS) fields in hex

Unicenter CA-Easytrieve Plus Report Generator: CA's information retrieval and data management tool

Reading SMF rec 110 (CICS) fields in hex

Postby boerie » Mon Dec 20, 2010 6:53 pm

Hi All
My first round in you company.
Currently my main appointment is Systems Automation, but because I have been working with easytrieve previously, I was wondering whether it is possible getting the native offsets in the smf file and produce extract report. (I am aware there is a tool converting the smf datat intoe readable report, but then I still have to write easytrieve to so som wxtracts)
The fields I would be referencing are:

DFHCICS C089     8  X'0003'   X'0008'   USERID
DFHCICS T005     8  X'0005'   X'0014'   START
DFHCICS T006     8  X'0006'   X'001C'   STOP
DFHSOCK C244    16  X'001E'   X'014C'   CLIPADDR

How would one go about in coding easytrieve to READ this info and offsets? It seems reading HEX needs some more that just references.
I have been nosing around in Google and easytrieve manuals, it seems some more experience is needed here!

Thank you!
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Re: Reading SMF rec 110 (CICS) fields in hex

Postby dick scherrer » Tue Dec 21, 2010 3:51 am

Hello and welcome to the forum,

Suggest you become familiar/comfortable with the "Code" tag - which will preserve alignment and improve readability. "Code"ing source, data, jcl, etc only takes a couple of seconds. . . There is also a Preview so that you can see you post as it will appear to the forum rathern than how it appears in the Reply Editor.

If the data posted is the actual content of the data you are using, you will have a bit of work converting the values to something usable within Easytrueve. . .

It seems reading HEX needs some more that just references.
If the posted data is only an example (rather than an actual sample) the read will read the hex with no other action needed. There will be other action to use this data - which will depend on exactly what you want to do.
Hope this helps,
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