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PostPosted: Sun Apr 02, 2023 8:19 am
by BuddyG
Hi all, This may be an unimportant question, but does anyone know what GPS stands for in MAXGPS? I am going to be satisfied with IDENT meaning "Identification" of the last record of a collection of records in the input data set. BUT, the GPS thing is driving me crazy! I know the IBM description, but nowhere can I find the meaning of GPS.



PostPosted: Sun Apr 02, 2023 9:13 pm
by Robert Sample
If you look in the Utilities manual, IEBGENER's GENERATE statement references MAXGPS as the maximum number of IDENT or IDENTG in RECORD statements. If you then look at the RECORD statement, the explanation starts off
The RECORD statement is used to define a record group and to supply editing information. A record group consists of records that are to be processed identically.
So MAXGPS refers to the maximum number of GROUPS (i.e., record groups) being defined in the IEBGENER.