how to identify working storage variables in cics dump

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how to identify working storage variables in cics dump

Postby pradeepgowda » Fri Jan 22, 2010 2:03 pm


Please anyone tell me how we identify the working storage variables in cics transaction dump
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Re: how to identify working storage variables in cics dump

Postby Robert Sample » Fri Jan 22, 2010 4:22 pm

This is more a question for your site support group as they can work with the specific dump and show you how to interpret it.
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Re: how to identify working storage variables in cics dump

Postby Robert Sample » Fri Jan 22, 2010 6:20 pm

After looking at your question again, I can tell you that you cannot identify the working storage variables in a transaction dump, because there is nothing in the load module to identify variables. What you can do is identify the working storage memory locations in the dump and use your knowledge of the internal formats of each variable to identify the values. CICS surrounds each block of memory allocated with an 8-byte identifier. For application program storage, this identifier is the letter U followed by the 7-digit task number. So if your task 12345 abended with a transaction dump, look for U0012345 in the transaction dump and you will find the storage of a memory block for your program; the next U0012345 will be the ending point for that block of memory. Is this your working storage? Maybe -- but if you do a GETMAIN in your CICS program, you probably have more than one block of memory identified with U0012345 so you have to look at the length of the memory as well as its contents to verify that this is your program's working storage.
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