CICS TranID Query

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CICS TranID Query

Postby maragatham » Fri Feb 11, 2011 12:48 pm

Hi, I have been asked to analyse the access details of a CICS Application. They say that the application can be accessed only based on the role of the userID. And I need to analyse what access does each role have.

1. The initial map(does not include a mapname on it) asks me for Id and Password known only to the team.It also asks for Browse or update option.
2. And there after the entire application can be accessed with the Browse or Update option fetched as above.,

My query is,
1) How can I find the TransID of the initial Map? I searched with some keywords seen in the map in the mapset and panel libraries and couldn't identify any match.
2) Is there any other internal ways by wich roles could be assigned to the ID's?

Thanks in advance.
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Re: CICS TranID Query

Postby Robert Sample » Fri Feb 11, 2011 3:47 pm

1. Maps do not have transaction identifiers since they are not programs to be executed and hence cannot be transactions. So the simple answer is, you cannot find the transid because it does not exist. If you use CEDF before starting the transaction, it will show you the MAP SEND command, which will give you the mapset name and map name.

2. Your best bet would be to talk to the team that developed the application -- they are your BEST source of knowledge. They could be using the CICS sign on id (which can be accessed without a map), or using the CICS sign on to read a file with CICS sign on as the key to find the applicaiton id, or some other way -- without talking to the developers, you'll have to read code to find out.
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Re: CICS TranID Query

Postby MrH » Fri Feb 25, 2011 9:53 pm

It sounds like you're looking for the name of the initial transaction that comes up when someone first initiates a CICS session. If that's correct, then the place you want to look is the SIT for that region, either in the original table source or an override. The parm is GMTRAN=<tranid>

In most shops it's CSGM (the CICS-supplied "good morning" transaction), but it sounds like your shop has specified something else.

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