Our Forum Rules - Updated

Here are the Forum Rules for our Student Forum:
Do not post the same Question on our Expert Forum(http://ibmmainframes.com) and student forum(http://www.ibmmainframeforum.com). You are allowed to have membership on both the forums, but if you post the same query on both sites, you will be BANNED from both-Period
Topics must be submitted to the relevant forums. Please read the forum descriptions before posting. If you can't find the relevant forum for your topic, post in Other Mainframe topics. Do not ask your doubts as a reply to another post.
All publicly displayed messages are limited to English only. This includes posts, titles, signatures, other forms of public display.
Treat others positively and with respect. Flaming other members or moderators will lead to a warning, possibly even a ban. Be patient and help others if you can. This is an all volunteer board so if your queries get answered, please remember to thank the posters for their effort. (Use the Thank button)
Do not request help via Private messages(PM) or emails. Post all your queries on forum itself. You will be banned if we receive any complaints from other members/moderators regarding this.
All Non-MAINFRAME links must be coded - including job openings links (egDo not link to mainframe sites/other forums except ibm.com and ibmmainframes.comLink placed inside here
Make your topic title meaningful and descriptive. Do not use words such as 'Urgent'/ 'Please'/ 'Help!' or 'Important' in your subject line. Don't use the Forum name as your topic title. In a nutshell, provide as much relevant information as possible you have. At the same time, let the post be short, to the point and not long stories ..
Excessive posting of similar messages to increase post count is not allowed.
You may not have links advertising other forums within your signature. Do not use our forums for any commercial purpose, to distribute any advertising or solicitation of funds or goods and services without the prior approval from the site admin. Linking to your own personal blog is allowed in your signature if you have more than 100 posts.
Do not use all CAPS, big text size, excessive question marks (?) or exclamation points (!) in your subject or content, the reason being is that this is considered as shouting
Make sure you have used the 'Search' facility before posting to avoid re posts and duplicates.
You should not use our forums to post/attach/link any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, sexually oriented, abusive, harassing or threatening, contains viruses or other contaminating or destructive features, violates the rights of others, such as Content which infringes any copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret or violates any right of privacy or publicity, or otherwise violates any applicable law.. Feel free to ask the moderators before posting the downloaded materials from other sites.
No images, avatars, signatures which are under copyright should be used unless you make quite clear who the copyright belongs to and that you are allowed to use the image for social purposes.
Avoid [img] links to images on slow servers e.g Lycos or those prone to failure. We recommend to use http://postimage.org to upload your images and screenshots.