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Query on commands for Z/OS

PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 10:58 am
by ITCons
I am new to Z/OS and looking to know the below:

1. How do I know if my hardware (System Z) supports z/OS version 1.9 or higher ? Any direct commands or reference ?
2. How do I find out space available on DASD
3. How do I find out real memory available ?
4 How do I find out /confirm if the following software is installed on the system
Security Server (RACF or equivalent product)

I have Z/OS installed but need to know what commands / way to find out the answer on above..

Please help.

Re: Query on commands for Z/OS

PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 12:00 pm
by dick scherrer
Hello and welcome to the forum,

When you are in a situation where you have (or will have) many, many questions about a particular system, the best source of information is the people who installed/support this system - not a forum such as ours. Most of what you ask is not usually needed by beginners. And few have the ability to dig all of this out by themself.

If you are going to work in the mainframe environment one of your most valuable assets is the goodwill of your local mainframe support people (the same is true for other platforms as well). If someday you become responsible for some of the environment, you will become familiar with the vendor support of those components also.

Suggest you start some kind of "document" that lists your questions as they arise and as you find answers, enter them with their question in your "tech-ref" document. Long ago i had separate notebooks for each new environment. These days, i don't use the pen so much :)

Re: Query on commands for Z/OS

PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 10:19 am
by steve-myers
DASD Space. You might be looking for something like this -
                           Extent   Free   Free
Unit Type Volser  Status  Cyls:trk  Cyls Extents
0A00 3390 XXXXXX S          159:11   517     48
It actually displays more, but that's all that fits into a code block. This program (it's actually a TSO command) is something I did years ago to format the output from the LSPACE macro; it needs a major change to support "EA" volumes that have 2 free space maps; one for track managed space, and a second for cylinder managed space.