How to I make VTOC readable & restore data from Dump Cond Vo

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How to I make VTOC readable & restore data from Dump Cond Vo

Postby Antonyraj85 » Wed Apr 16, 2014 2:07 am

Hi Team,

I have done Flash copy backup(PARALLEL DFSMSdss copy of full volume) with dumpconditioning. Source volume VTOC and VVDS also copied intoTarget volume. Now, I am not able to recover the data on Target volume on other LPAR. Since VTOC and Volume mismatch.

Is there any way to create new VTOC dataset for Target volume and Recover the dataset ??

May be this s worst question I ever asked before :oops:

Kind regards,
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Re: How to I make VTOC readable & restore data from Dump Con

Postby steve-myers » Wed Apr 16, 2014 5:49 am

I think what happened is you copied the volume while it was online on the other system. What you can do is enter these commands on the other system.

VARY dev-addr,ONLINE

Every direct address volume has a data record called a volume label at a fixed address, cylinder 0, track 0, record 3. The volume label has the disk address of the VTOC and the volume label. The only time this record is read is when the volume is brought online. If the copy process moved the VTOC, which apparently happened with your copy, you have to tell any other systems that can read the device about it.

In general, if you are doing a full volume copy to a volume shared by several systems, you should be certain the volume is offline to the other systems before you start the copy, and vary the device online after the copy is complete. It is possible to copy to an offline volume, but it is difficult. See the appropriate discussion in DFSMSdss Storage Administration for your z/OS release.
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Re: How to I make VTOC readable & restore data from Dump Con

Postby Antonyraj85 » Wed Apr 16, 2014 8:46 am

Hi Steve,

Sorry, I didnt provide clear details, Here, Volumes are online on target system and able to see datasets on 3.4(Including VTOC DATASET FOR SOURCE VOLUME). Now, I wanted to copy one dataset from target volume. But it is not possible since VTOC and volume serial are mismatch. So, I wanted to recreate new VTOC dataset for target volume with same dataset info available on source volume.

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