IEASYMxx not found

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IEASYMxx not found

Postby jaggz » Thu Apr 05, 2012 10:50 am

Dear All,

I am trying to perform indirect cataloging of all the sysres volume for sysres clone process. For this process we have to specify the symbols at IEASYMxx but this parmlib member is not found in any of the Parmlib datasets. Could you please advise if this particular member has to be created separately or do we need to use any IBM standard Samples for this Member ?

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Re: IEASYMxx not found

Postby mongan » Thu Apr 05, 2012 11:45 am

First, only YOU can examine and research how YOUR system is set up.
To get that information all you have to do is look at your console log for an IPL and you will see which and where parmlibs are being used.
Usually there is a SYS.IPLPARM dataset - there you will find a LOADnn member for your IPL, and therein you will find the parmlibs that are being used.
Usually you will have a IEASYM member in one of those libraries and you will also see which IEASYM is being used.

IEASYM   00                                                       
IODF     01 SYSIOP   ZOSMACH  08 Y                                 
ARCHLVL  2                                                         
NUCLEUS  1                                                         
NUCLST   00 N                                                     
SYSCAT   XBPMC1123CMCAT.ZOSXB.VXBPMC1                          UCAT
PARMLIB  SYNPM1.V1R9.PARMLIB                          XBPMC1       
PARMLIB  SYS1.PARMLIB                                 XBPRS1       
PARMLIB  CPAC.PARMLIB                                 XBPRS1       
PARMLIB  SYS1.IBM.PARMLIB                             XBPRS2       
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Re: IEASYMxx not found

Postby jaggz » Thu Apr 05, 2012 12:12 pm

Dear Mongan/All,

Thanks for your reply :

I did /D SYMBOLS :

 IEA007I STATIC SYSTEM SYMBOL VALUES 910                                       
         &SYSALVL.  = "2"                                                     
         &SYSCLONE. = "S3"                                                     
         &SYSNAME.  = "MTS3"                                                   
         &SYSPLEX.  = "LOCAL"                                                 
         &SYSR1.    = "MT3RS1"                                                 

I Also did : /D IPLINFO to check the IEASYMxx availability but it shows as None :

IEE254I  12.05.40 IPLINFO DISPLAY 916                   
 SYSTEM IPLED AT 19.59.24 ON 03/19/2012                 
 RELEASE z/OS 01.12.00    LICENSE = z/OS                 
 USED LOAD02 IN SYS1.IPLPARM ON E374                     
 ARCHLVL = 2   MTLSHARE = N                             
 IEASYM LIST = NONE                                     
 IEASYS LIST = 00                                       

I am not really sure from these symbols are getting read.

Please advise me if I am wrong.

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Re: IEASYMxx not found

Postby Robert Sample » Thu Apr 05, 2012 5:36 pm

You need to spend more time reading the MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference manual. Section 2.2 is titled What are system symbols? and contains, among other things, these words:
Static System Symbol
A symbol whose substitution text is defined at system initialization and remains fixed for the life of an IPL. (One exception, &SYSPLEX, has a substitution text that can change at one point in an IPL; see "Step 6. Code support for system symbols in LOADxx" in topic 2.3.6 for details.) Static system symbols are used to represent fixed values such as system names and sysplex names.

Static system symbols have two types:

System-defined static system symbols already have their names defined to the system. Your installation defines substitution texts or accepts system default texts for the static system symbols, which are:

&SYSR1 (Note: Your installation cannot define substitution text for &SYSR1.)
&SYSALVL (Note: Your installation cannot define substitution text for &SYSALVL.)

Installation-defined static system symbols are defined by your installation. The system programmer specifies their names and substitution texts in the SYS1.PARMLIB data set.
In other words, there doesn't have to be anything in SYS1.PARMLIB or anywhere else to define these five symbols -- they are automatically defined by the system.

Further, your statement in your original post
I am trying to perform indirect cataloging of all the sysres volume for sysres clone process. For this process we have to specify the symbols at IEASYMxx but this parmlib member is not found in any of the Parmlib datasets.
makes no sense. In order to do indirect cataloging, you merely have to USE the symbols -- you do not define any symbols while doing indirect cataloging! Perhaps you need to step back and take a look at what you're attempting to accomplish, as so far it seems all you're doing is muddying the water by mixing concepts.
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Re: IEASYMxx not found

Postby mongan » Thu Apr 05, 2012 6:54 pm

Well, again it depends on your system. If you have more than one volume for Sysres data sets then you will have to set up some symbols, for example &SYSR2 and &SYSR3. For data sets on the &SYSR1 you can use the volser of ******
//SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=*                         
//SYSIN    DD *                               
        SET LASTCC = 0                         
        VOL(******) DEVT(0000)) +             

//SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=*                       
//SYSIN    DD *                             
        SET LASTCC = 0                       
        VOL(&SYSR3) DEVT(3390)) +           
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Re: IEASYMxx not found

Postby jaggz » Thu Apr 05, 2012 7:57 pm

Dear Mongan,

Thanks a lot for your explanation and codes shared.

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Re: IEASYMxx not found

Postby jaggz » Mon Apr 09, 2012 2:08 pm

Dear Mongan/All,

Just would like to clarify lets say if we have two source Clone sysres volumes i.e,, MTSRS1 and MTSRS2. Where Z/OS automatically declares the &SYSR1 Variable to the first sysres volumes, but we just have indirectly catalog the First sysres volume Dataset . The second source SYSRES volume MTSRS2 too is indirectly cataloged with Vol(&SYSR2). In our case we have two source SYSRES volser &SYSR1 and &SYSR2. To make the cloned sysres volume i.e MTSRSA and MTSRSB do we just have to specify the symbols like
SYMDEF(&SYSRS3=MTSRSA) and SYMDEF(&SYSRS4=MTSRSB) at IEASYMxx ? so that we can IPL the system from the cloned volume MTSRSA.

Are there any sample IEASYMxx member with the syntax rules ?

Apology if my question is not really clear.

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Re: IEASYMxx not found

Postby Robert Sample » Mon Apr 09, 2012 2:50 pm

Are there any sample IEASYMxx member with the syntax rules ?
The syntax for each PARMLIB member is found in the MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference manual in the MVS (z/OS) bookshelf. Examples are found there as well.
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Re: IEASYMxx not found

Postby jaggz » Mon Apr 09, 2012 3:30 pm

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Re: IEASYMxx not found

Postby mongan » Tue Apr 10, 2012 12:21 pm

Here an example:
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