Using JP#,is there any way to retrieve parm value? I thought of 1.Retrievin the Parm value into output file.And check the value using IFTHEN . 2.If '06' found then,dummy the input file using "Build",else copy the input file to temp file and pass it onto next step.. To Create output file with Parm value,I searced in net and found code with symbolic parameter replacement of Parm value JP#. I tried with the Sort card INREC BUILD=(1,80,JP1) But got Syntax error. My question is how to create output file with Parm value.So that I can proceed further..Please correct me if am wrong.
Presumably JP1 is a symbol you tried to create on the EXEC statement, but you haven't shown your EXEC statement. How are we supposed to help you figure out why you got a syntax error when you don't show your JCL, the messages you got, etc?
You need to a better job of explaining exactly what you're trying to do, what you tried, and what messages you received before anyone can help you.
Frank Yaeger - DFSORT Development Team (IBM) - Specialties: JOINKEYS, FINDREP, WHEN=GROUP, ICETOOL, Symbols, Migration => DFSORT/MVS is on the Web at