By any chance, does anyone have some "slick" TSO/z-OS command line tools I can send to my mainframe group to possible inclusion in our other clist tools?
Such as:
BR14 - will scan thru the JCL member being edited and add a //step00 exec pgm=iefbr14 for all of the DSNs with a disp of (new, catlg, delete), mod, old - and other valid combinations?
PARAON - will scan thru a cobol program being edited and insert a display of the paragraph name just below the paragraph name?
PARAOFF - will scan thru and find those displays and remove them.
BCSR - will open a DSN in browse, if the cursor is placed on the line with the DSN=
ECSR - will open a DSN in edit, if the cursor is placed on the line with the DSN=
FAB - will open fileaid in browse mode with the PDS name where FAB is entered immediately to the left of the name in a DSN list.
FAE - will open fileaid in edit mode with the PDS name where FAE is entered immediately to the left of the name in a DSN list.
Plus other very useful shortcuts.
Before someone "snarks" at the request, we have a few commands, but the systems people have not obtained/created very many of them for use.
The 2nd part of the question is, how does one setup the "system" clists and any I may write myself to not require the TSO be typed before the clist name?
Thanks for all your help!!