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by ankurgupta10 » Tue Sep 25, 2012 10:40 am
I want the CPU time used and Elapsed time mentioned in JCLMSLG data set.
I saw the manuals. But no way is mentioned to get the JCLMSLG or other SYSLOG data sets using JMR.
I note that these datasets are spearated by a name - JMRSEP0(JCLMSLG), JMRSEP1, JMRSEP2 and so on...
Is there some parameter that helps to retrieve these JMRSEP* informations in below JMRIN card:
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by steve-myers » Tue Sep 25, 2012 11:15 am
The JESMSGLG. JESJCL and JESYSMSG datasets are job related datasets. Many of the messages in the JESMSGLG dataset also appear in the SYSLOG, but that is another dataset that JMR knows nothing about. None of the messages in the JESJCL dataset appear in the SYSLOG or the JESMSGLG datasets. Some messages in the JESYSMSG dataset also appear in the JESMSGLG dataset and the SYSLOG dataset.
The dataset separation messages in JMR were added after I changed jobs and no longer used JMR, so I can't comment on this.
CA Technologies, or whatever they call themselves these days, also market a product, CA-SMR to analyze SYSLOG data.
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by ankurgupta10 » Tue Sep 25, 2012 6:10 pm
JESMSGLG is the first dataset which has all the information I need.
JMR is able to show me these datasets when the "S" command is given before them.
There is no SMR installed. But JMR has all the details which are required.
When the S command is given for a JOB, the details are also stored in a temporary PS.
Is it possible to automate the S command and take a backup of that temp. PS.
I have seen the JMR docs there is no exclusive parameter that does that.
I was thinking if there can be some kind of script that executes this S command and then copy that temp PS. I can repeat that for all jobs.
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by dick scherrer » Tue Sep 25, 2012 9:27 pm
Possibly JMR support would have a suggestion?
Hope this helps,

dick scherrer
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