ED instruction with explicit displacement

High Level Assembler(HLASM) for MVS & VM & VSE

ED instruction with explicit displacement

Postby fast_learner » Mon Aug 27, 2012 11:40 pm

What will be the outcome in WK4 after below commands? Pls note the explicit displacement used in ED command for second operand.

ED WK4,X+1

Given X DC PL3'1234' and MASK DC XL6'402020202020' and WK4 DS CL4.
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Re: ED instruction with explicit displacement

Postby steve-myers » Tue Aug 28, 2012 12:02 am

It's generally considered to be poor form to repost the same question in these forums. Your time would be better spent learning how to use z390.
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Re: ED instruction with explicit displacement

Postby fast_learner » Tue Aug 28, 2012 12:11 am

My apologies Steve.

This forum is generally considered to be a good form to help students and beginners but above response seems completely contradictory to this notion.
Repost was the last choice after receiving no response for my earlier post.
Seems my time would be better spent in learning Z390 and as well in a better forum where questions are respected in the right spirit.
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Re: ED instruction with explicit displacement

Postby enrico-sorichetti » Tue Aug 28, 2012 12:52 am

Repost was the last choice after receiving no response for my earlier post.

we reply on out own time and free of charge,
You have no right to expect any answer, nor solicit for them

This forum is generally considered to be a good form to help students and beginners but above response seems completely contradictory to this notion.

You also have no right to be complain
anywhere good forum manners dictate not to post nor solicit for answers when You are not satisfied with what You get.

there are rules to be followed, and since You are the only one who gets advantage from posting, Your rules are more rigid than ours!

Seems my time would be better spent in learning Z390 and as well in a better forum where questions are respected in the right spirit.

and our time is better spent helping people who deserve to be helped :evil:
When I tell somebody to RTFM or STFW I usually have the page open in another tab/window of my browser,
so that I am sure that the information requested can be reached with a very small effort
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Re: ED instruction with explicit displacement

Postby dick scherrer » Tue Aug 28, 2012 1:54 am


Suggest you change your "handle" to Prefer-to-be-Spoonfed. . .

Repost was the last choice after receiving no response for my earlier post.
Seems my time would be better spent in learning Z390 and as well in a better forum where questions are respected in the right spirit.
Agree with Enrico cpompletely. . .

If you do not like the speed with which you get free answers here, suggest you invest in an Assembler course with a teacher, labs, and other students working to learn this as well.

You should also understand that we have neither the resources nor the intention to "teach" someone a language.

If you find another forum more suited to your "style" by all means, join there. I will mention that i participate is quite a few forums (am a moderator several places) and i've not found one yet more willing to spend the time the contributors here spend helping someone who is really new.

An adjustment to your attitude will help you as well. What is your highest priority "thing" is probably not to others. . .
Hope this helps,
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Re: ED instruction with explicit displacement

Postby steve-myers » Tue Aug 28, 2012 10:14 am

PL3'1234' is X'01234C', so X+1 is X'234C'. How many packed decimal digits are in X'234C'? How many digit select characters are in WK4 after you move the edit "mask" to it? Hint: since you moved the first 4 bytes of a 6 byte area to WK4, you shed two digit select characters. Once you answer that question, then count the remaining digit select characters in WK4 and the digits in X+1. If they match, the ED instruction should work fine. Another hint: always specify a significance start digit select character; you never know when the packed decimal number you're translating is 0. What will happen with the edit "masks" you've been showing us if the packed decimal number is 0?
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Re: ED instruction with explicit displacement

Postby fast_learner » Tue Aug 28, 2012 1:39 pm

Thanks for youe reply Steve.

Answering the questions

How many packed decimal digits are in X'234C'?
- Three

How many digit select characters are in WK4 after you move the edit "mask" to it?
- WK4 = x'40202020' - after MVC instruction

What will happen with the edit "masks" you've been showing us if the packed decimal number is 0?

If the edit mask is 'MASK DC XL6'402020202020' and the packed decimal number is 0 PL3'0', the output of ED would be all spaces.

From above understanding I can deduce that the output here should be ::

WK4 = x'40F2F3F4' - after ED instruction

My personal apologies to one and all for above conversation. I do not have a simulator for assembler. I tried downloading that from all the referenced site but it is not working. I have Windows 7, hence I am compelled to post my questions in this forum.

However, I would take this opportunity to thank all of you and especially Steve for the help.
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Re: ED instruction with explicit displacement

Postby enrico-sorichetti » Tue Aug 28, 2012 2:19 pm

I have Windows 7, hence I am compelled to post my questions in this forum.

are You sure that You followed the installation instructions
at http://www.z390.org
they are pretty clear

but You should meditate on how not to exercise people patience too much.

remember we reply on our own time and free of charge

forums are for sporadic and quick and dirty questions, not for long term training/consultancy
When I tell somebody to RTFM or STFW I usually have the page open in another tab/window of my browser,
so that I am sure that the information requested can be reached with a very small effort
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Re: ED instruction with explicit displacement

Postby dick scherrer » Tue Aug 28, 2012 9:43 pm


My personal apologies to one and all for above conversation.
Not to worry - we bark when poked with a stick, but rarely bite :)

I do not have a simulator for assembler. I tried downloading that from all the referenced site but it is not working.
Posting "it didn't work" is probably the most wasteful thing on the forum. We can't help if we're not told what problem(s) were encountered.

I have Windows 7, hence I am compelled to post my questions in this forum.
Why is using Windows 7 an issue? I have several machines that use different operating systems and i am not aware of anywhere that i cannot connect :?
Hope this helps,
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Re: ED instruction with explicit displacement

Postby steve-myers » Wed Aug 29, 2012 1:20 am

fast_learner wrote:... I have Windows 7, hence I am compelled to post my questions in this forum.
What does Windows 7 have to do with anything? The z390 application requires an up to date version of Java, but we can't help you with that. Windows 7 probably precludes the installation of PC370, but we can't help you with that, too. Most, if not all, Windows based 3270 emulators will run in Windows 7, but it does not appear you have access to a mainframe, so that issue is moot.
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