i need code for online application

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i need code for online application

Postby ebreddy » Sun May 09, 2010 6:30 pm

i am doing academic project on mainframes.so i need code for online
requirements are
01 appln-record
 05 customer number x(10) primarykey
  10 name
   15 first-name         x(20)
    15last-name          x(20)
  10 address
   15addr-line1            X(30)
   15addr-line2            x(30)
  10pincode                9(6)
  10 dob                      9(8)
  10 filler
    15 dob-ccyy             9(4)
     15dob-mm            9(2)
    15 dob-dd              9(2)
  10 act-loan-amt         9(8)
  10act-repay-period     9(3)
  10 emi-amount           9(7)comp3
  10 loan-date                9(8)
  10 filler redefines loan-date
    15 loan--ccyy          9(4)
    15 loan-mm           9(2)
    15 loan-dd              9(2)
  10 loan-status         9(1)

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Re: i need code for online application

Postby enrico-sorichetti » Sun May 09, 2010 7:21 pm

this is a help forum,
not a do it for me

and trying to get academic recognition using somebody else work is commonly defined as ...
When I tell somebody to RTFM or STFW I usually have the page open in another tab/window of my browser,
so that I am sure that the information requested can be reached with a very small effort
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Re: i need code for online application

Postby Robert Sample » Sun May 09, 2010 7:26 pm

This is a HELP forum, not a WRITE-YOUR-CODE-FOR-YOU forum. Besides, most people who respond on this forum are professionals, and by asking for code you are asking for their professional work product. Unless you are willing to pay their going rate (and 1000 U.S. dollars per day or any fraction of a day is not unusual), please do not ask people to give their professional work product away.

Finally, what you have provided is a record layout -- not a requirements document. The types of questions YOU must answer before getting started are:
Is this record layout for the input or output file?
What will the record layout be for the other (output or input) file?
Is this file sequential, direct, VSAM ESDS, VSAM KSDS, VSAM RRDS, or Unix System Services?
What will the other file be?
What are the rules to go from the input file to the output file?
Is there any reporting required? What does the report(s) look like?
Are you calculating anything? What doe the calculations look like?
Do you need to read any other files (such as a code translation file)?
Are you writing a batch program or online program?
If you are writing an online program, is it CICS or IMS or something else?
Will there be any database involved?

As I said, YOU are the only one that can answer these questions and YOU must do so before you can begin coding. Once you have started coding, if you have issues, we can provide guidance -- but without professional remuneration, do not expect anyone to write your code for you.
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