Reading TSQ through Batch Job

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Reading TSQ through Batch Job

Postby kamal_dham » Thu May 22, 2008 12:12 am


I have a requirement to save data in a TSQ through an Online CICS program and then read the data saved from a batch job.
Let me know if its possible to do it.

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Re: Reading TSQ through Batch Job

Postby dick scherrer » Thu May 22, 2008 8:42 am

Hello Kamal and welcome to the forums,

This answer was posted to a similar question:
You would need to write a Batch-EXCI program, which issues an EXCI LINK with a commarea, to a previously written or newly written CICS program in the target region, which issues a READQ TS (item 1 I'm assuming), loads the TSQ item 1 content into the DFHCOMMAREA, followed by a CICS RETURN back to the Batch-EXCI program and you're done! (Wow, I'm out of breath!).

What would happen if CICS were down?

This doesn't sound like a viable plan.

You need to come up with a different strategy.



As mentioned, you might have a problem if the cics region was taken down before the batch job ran.
Hope this helps,
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Re: Reading TSQ through Batch Job

Postby lee dawn » Mon Jun 02, 2008 8:24 am

You might also want to review 8-)
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