CICS/MQ Started Task Shutdown Issue

Support for CICS/ESA, CICS/TS & Transaction Gateway, CICS Configuration Manager and CICS Performance Analyzer

Re: CICS/MQ Started Task Shutdown Issue

Postby freelar » Sat Feb 11, 2012 9:13 pm

Sorry I should have come back with more info I used JCL/PROC/PARM to do this, the MQ messages flow from a distributed system to the mainframe CICS programs. The reason to STOP the messages is when the VSAM files are closed and the batch cycle is running, once batch updating finishes the files are opened for processing again.
I used CAFC in a batch mode with this disable T151CICS,D,T,MF20 parameter and then when opening the VSAM files used an enable parameter T151CICS,E,T,MF20
It was short and sweet and did the job, maybe this will help someone else in the future,,, thanks again for everyones good advice.
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