In our site we use an application (a teller program writen by JAVA) to send data (transaction and associated data) to CICS.
Then CICS receive data and process it whit online program which assigned to that tranaction.
For example when we click on a button in teller program a transaction named ACCT which is assigned to program ACCTOPEN called and then an account will be opened for a customer.(customer information was associated data stream followed after transaction code). therefore CICS receive an string same this :
ACCT is transaction name
020 specifies account type.
10009 specifies customer number.
130420094500 specifies timestamp.
If I only paste string "ACCT02010009130420094500" on my CICS related terminal the trancation done and an account will be opened for customer number =10009.
My CICS runing on a z/OS. Now I want to doeing this actions by submitting a job so this job reads data string(contained transaction and associated data) as a SYSIN data and sending it to CICS.
Which utility I must use to doeing this. I know that utility=DFHCSDUP is used for defining transactions and other resources. But how I can send an applicational transaction to a CICS terminal by a job?