I guess that from
| Initialised pointers |
| |
| - total_ptr Address of trip_total record |
| - line_ptr Print line |
| - static_ptr Address of static storage |
2 filler char (16) init ('INIT POINTERS'),
2 total_ptr ptr init (addr(trip_total)),
2 line_ptr ptr init (addr(line)),
2 static_ptr ptr init (addr(work_static)),
you need to go to
/*- Code commented out by USERID @ 2015-08-20T19:53 -------------------
| Initialised pointers |
| |
| - total_ptr Address of trip_total record |
| - line_ptr Print line |
| - static_ptr Address of static storage |
2 filler char (16) init ('INIT POINTERS'),
2 total_ptr ptr init (addr(trip_total)),
2 line_ptr ptr init (addr(line)),
2 static_ptr ptr init (addr(work_static)),
--- End of commented out code by USERID @ 2015-08-20T19:53 ----------*/
Where the userid & date are inserted by the macro. And of course nothing should stop the TS to add more to the comment lines, in a macro that I use to trace the calls of a PL/I program, every line of inserted code contains a
comment, allowing me to remove all of it by a
res;x '/*{T}*/' all;del x all