1. MAXCC is a term used in IDCAMS -- and it is ONLY used for IDCAMS. Saying "submitted job gets maxcc=0" is flat-out WRONG. Besides, what if the job gets a non-zero condition code?
2. Have you searched the forum yet? What you want to do comes up fairly frequently, so there are other replies you could find.
3. Submitting a job from REXX is not the issue -- the job may then sit on the input queue for HOURS before it executes; you do not want to tie up your terminal until the job completes.
can someone help me on this.
Responses on this forum are voluntary -- as in, people respond when they have the knowledge, and the interest, and the time to respond. It is not at all unusual for days -- or weeks -- to pass between a post and a response to it. This is normal. If you need immediate response, you need to persuade your management to hire a consultant for you, or talk to your co-workers or team lead or manager or site support group for assistance. Prompting for responses as you have done makes it LESS likely you will get responses since people who could respond will not be as interested in responding since you're obviously impatient and they're not going to want to be hassled for responses.