REXX call RACF service IRRSPK00 to generate Pass Tickets

IBM's Command List programming language & Restructured Extended Executor

REXX call RACF service IRRSPK00 to generate Pass Tickets

Postby VladGoodman » Mon Feb 27, 2023 1:11 am

I need to develop REXX program that calls RACF service to generate/evaluate Pass Tickets. There is few samples of how to use REXX and RACF services (SYS1.SAMPLiB) - but I since I am pretty new with REXX it is not going smoothly.
The major problem I have is to define GROUP field (1st halfword Length and other 8 bytes some value (such user id, application id etc)
And how do I populate that group field with length and value
Any help is appropriated


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Re: REXX call RACF service IRRSPK00 to generate Pass Tickets

Postby sergeyken » Mon Feb 27, 2023 7:10 pm

Without specific sample of code it's hard to provide any useful advice.
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Re: REXX call RACF service IRRSPK00 to generate Pass Tickets

Postby Pedro » Thu Mar 02, 2023 9:42 am

RACF provides a rexx interface* for various stuff by calling program IRRXUTIL and providing the right input. Though, from my reading, it seems that passtickets do not seem to be supported by IRRXUTIL.

The service for passtickets is IRRSPK00 and is intended to be called from an assembler program. In my honest opinion, calling IRRSPK00 from rexx has some insurmountable issues:
1. You have to provide the addresses of several control blocks.
2. The input parameters are complex and it is not likely that you can set the storage adequately using rexx.

My suggestion is to write an assembler program that calls IRRSPK00 as intended. If you need a rexx component, consider having your assembler program call IRXEXCOM to create a bunch of rexx variables.

for info about IRRSPK00, see RACF Callable Interfaces, SA23-2293.
for info aobut IRXEXCOM, see TSO/E REXX Reference, SA22-7790.

* I am retired now, but worked for IBM for over 35 years. I convinced my IBM colleagues to create the rexx interface for RACF.
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Re: REXX call RACF service IRRSPK00 to generate Pass Tickets

Postby Blackthorn » Fri Mar 17, 2023 8:42 pm

I would just like to say thank-you Pedro for your help in getting IRRXUTIL developed. I love it and use it all the time. It's great to see it still being enhanced today, with recent changes allowing the querying of the RRSF status, for example.

So thank-you very much, it is highly appreciated! :)
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Re: REXX call RACF service IRRSPK00 to generate Pass Tickets

Postby Pedro » Fri Mar 17, 2023 11:40 pm

re: "So thank-you very much, it is highly appreciated"

You are welcome! :D
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