Help wanted in understanding Z variables

IBM's Command List programming language & Restructured Extended Executor

Re: Help wanted in understanding Z variables

Postby enrico-sorichetti » Tue Oct 13, 2009 12:05 am

The IDCSM DCCollect presents a list of all dataset with garbage characters and yes garbage characters. here is the example

again that' s no f***** garbage it' s the data You are looking for...
I have been using that garbage in many years of succesfull storage management consulting

im harsh about your stubborness in defining hex data as garbage
but it looks like trying to help You is just a loss of time...
again if You insist on that attitude better review Your career in IT

another alternative is You have the proper authorizations from the storage support group
is to use the ISMF volume application... it should give You right the info You want

go to the ISMF application and choose
2  Volume                    - Perform Functions Against Volumes

 Panel  Help
Enter Selection or Command ===>

1  DASD                      - Generate a List of DASD Volumes
2  Mountable Optical         - Generate a List of Mountable Optical Volumes
3  Mountable Tape            - Generate a List of Mountable Tape Volumes

Use HELP Command for Help; Use END Command to Exit.

 Panel  Defaults  Utilities  Scroll  Help
VOLUME SELECTION ENTRY PANEL              Page 1 of 3
Command ===>

Select Source to Generate Volume List  . . 2  (1 - Saved list, 2 - New list)
1  Generate from a Saved List         Query Name To
List Name  . .                   Save or Retrieve
2  Generate a New List from Criteria Below
Specify Source of the New List  . . 1  (1 - Physical, 2 - SMS)
Optionally Specify One or More:
Enter "/" to select option      Generate Exclusive list
Type of Volume List . . . 1          (1-Online,2-Not Online,3-Either)
Volume Serial Number  . . *          (fully or partially specified)
Device Type . . . . . . .            (fully or partially specified)
Device Number . . . . . .            (fully specified)
To Device Number  . . .            (for range of devices)
Acquire Physical Data . . Y          (Y or N)
Acquire Space Data  . . . Y          (Y or N)
Storage Group Name  . . .            (fully or partially specified)
CDS Name . . . . . . .
(fully specified or 'Active')
Use ENTER to Perform Selection; Use DOWN Command to View next Selection Panel;
Use HELP Command for Help; Use END Command to Exit.

 Panel  List  Utilities  Scroll  Help
Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> HALF
Entries 1-11 of 11
Enter Line Operators below:                             Data Columns 3-8 of 40

LINE       VOLUME FREE       %     ALLOC      FRAG   LARGEST    FREE
---(1)----  -(2)-- ---(3)---  (4)-  ---(5)---  -(6)-  ---(7)---  --(8)--
......    634593    23    2136907      0     634150        3
......   1506687    54    1264813      0    1506687        1
......    292118    11    2479382    151     152340        9
......    503336    18    2268164     45     448221        5
......    562434    20    2209066      0     561936        2
......    487565    18    2283935      0     487233        4
......    840774    30    1930726      3     837509        8
......    199873     7    2571627      3     199209        3
......   1143849    41    1627651      0    1142964        3
......    260190     9    2511310      0     260079        3
......    974466    35    1797034      0     974466        1
----------  ------ -----------  BOTTOM  OF  DATA  -----------  ------  ----

the volume names have been masked because I do not care about letting You know my volume names
When I tell somebody to RTFM or STFW I usually have the page open in another tab/window of my browser,
so that I am sure that the information requested can be reached with a very small effort
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Re: Help wanted in understanding Z variables

Postby arshadhrashid » Wed Oct 14, 2009 9:33 pm

Hi dick scherrer, thanks for your input again.
Please tell me what you want me to do. I alreday posted the data on my last update somthing like the follwoing

"000008,,&,,D ,,BAT ,<+,,,,,,,,,DSCJSKDT.DSNDBD.JRSDB001.IX003.I0001.A001
and with HEX On I get something like this

000001,,h,,V ,,BAT ,<+,,,,,,,,,KDT003,,,,,ñ,,¹ï,,?N,,¢,,,,,,,ûÒ,,,,,,,,,,,,3390

I have no idea of what to make of it.

Please let me know how will I get what I am looking for that is volume utilzation info from above data
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Re: Help wanted in understanding Z variables

Postby dick scherrer » Thu Oct 15, 2009 1:17 am


I have no idea of what to make of it.
Nor would anyone without a data definition. . . Enrico posted the link to the data defnintion. Here it is again. . . ... recstr.htm

On a Volume record (V) there is a field for PERCENT FREE SPACE ON VOLUME and another for FREE SPACE ON VOLUME (IN KB) among several others. They are all completely described in that document.
Hope this helps,
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Re: Help wanted in understanding Z variables

Postby arshadhrashid » Thu Oct 15, 2009 2:21 am

Thanks again, I have alreday checked that link and will look into it again but I would apprcaite if you can clarify one thing for me.

I am looking for volume utilization , this report DCCOLLECT prints one record for each data set in the volume and this is not what I am
looking for. Even if i decode every bit in the file would I get what I am looking for?

Please tell me is there any simple utility or command or JCL etc that would tell me volume total utilzaition of a give volume?

thanks a lot.
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Re: Help wanted in understanding Z variables

Postby dick scherrer » Thu Oct 15, 2009 2:45 am


Even if i decode every bit in the file would I get what I am looking for
You are making this far more difficult than it needs to be. . . There are multiple data formats - i suspect you would want to use only the "V" (Volume) records. . . And only the fields that are useful to your process.

If it was unix with one command I get info like this

Volume 1 20% used
Volume 2 50% used and so on so forth.

The first of the 2 fields i mentioned earlier would provide this % (well, this, subtracted from 100).
Hope this helps,
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