Still working on some problems
I am working on a Rexx which is executed in the OMVS so the USS
I tried to open a dataset from the MVS system of our Mainframe
address TSO "ALLOC F(IN) DA('ci.sys.ftp.script(FTPFRACC)'),
if RC>0 then exit
/* Read all the records in to array Lines. */
address TSO "EXECIO * DISKR IN (STEM record1. finis"
address TSO "say substr(record1.1,1,20)"
if RC>0 then exit
/* Read all the records in to array Lines. */
address TSO "EXECIO * DISKR IN (STEM record1. finis"
address TSO "say substr(record1.1,1,20)"
this doesn't work at all , how could I manage this
second question is how can I open a Linux file ( path /user/test/ps.out ) which has several lignes ( for exemple 3)
and working with every ligne .
It's not that easy going from MVS to USS
I hope you may help me ,
thanks in advance