by ANAND.GADRE » Thu May 20, 2010 9:40 pm
Hello, I have rexx utility called 'SE' that basically does a repetitive find, and displays just the matching text. Its like issuing a 'X ALL; F ALL 'TEXT' in TSO command line(its like INCL in Roscoe). But many times we need to search the same string again, and by doing just PF5 , it finds the next string again without having to type the search string. I want my rexx utility also to behave in thE same fashion, so for e.g. when I type 'SE TESTING' , it displays all the matching lines that have TESTING word in it, and hides the rest, and then I do a RESet. Now when I type SE again, it should automatically search the same sting again. Is there a system-variable that holds the last searched value ?