How to get the MVS command response information.

IBM's Command List programming language & Restructured Extended Executor

How to get the MVS command response information.

Postby nickwyw » Thu Nov 04, 2010 2:08 pm

I want in the REXX, get the volume serial number, used unit address, as follow codes.
I have two question,
first one, in the log I found the command rc = -3, I don't know how to conform the reason.
second, how to set the command response message to a variable, I have tried the OUTTRAP instrcution but it just can get the TSO command message.

49 *-*  address mvs 'D U,,,'unitadd
   >L>    "D U,,,"                 
   >V>    "9001"                   
   >O>    "D U,,,9001"             
   +++ RC(-3) +++                   

unitadd = 9001                 
address mvs 'D U,,,'unitadd                                   
if rc \= 0 then do                       
   subrc = rc                             
   say "bad Display unit cmd, rc = "subrc
   subrc = 16                             
   signal end_du_command                 
else do                                   
   say 'the message is '                                 
return subrc                             

Could you give me some advise, Thanks .
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Re: How to get the MVS command response information.

Postby enrico-sorichetti » Thu Nov 04, 2010 2:18 pm

see ... s/IKJ4BK80
for the whole TSO REXX shebang

z/OS V1R2.0-V1R9.0 TSO/E REXX User's Guide ... 0706113306
z/OS V1R8.0-V1R9.0 TSO/E REXX Reference ... 0626210253

for the details of the Address <some environment> facilities

anyway for console commands the proper environment is Address CONSOLE

but that is prone to open up a can of worms for authorizations needed
When I tell somebody to RTFM or STFW I usually have the page open in another tab/window of my browser,
so that I am sure that the information requested can be reached with a very small effort
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Re: How to get the MVS command response information.

Postby Pedro » Fri Nov 05, 2010 9:36 am

If you can whip up some assembler code, it might be easier to use the UCBLOOK macro. You can find more information: Programming Authorized Assembler Services Guide
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Re: How to get the MVS command response information.

Postby steve-myers » Thu May 02, 2013 11:52 pm

Pedro is correct, though I would use the UCBSCAN COPY macro.
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