How to initialize string in REXX

IBM's Command List programming language & Restructured Extended Executor

How to initialize string in REXX

Postby Mann_B » Mon Mar 28, 2011 7:38 pm


How can we intialize a string in REXX
We have to create an o/p file of length 1500 ,n depending upon the i/p records we are processing the records and for few records the length is not up to 1500.When we are concating the reuired var in the o/p file can we add spaces to the rest of the length.

1200 Spaces(till 1500)
12 001234 ........................... .........................

and also ...the last spaces shud be like ..spaces(14 bytes) and lowvalues (2bytes)..again spaces(14 bytes) lwvallues(2bytes)...till 1500 length

stringout = string1 || spaces

where spaces = spaces(14 bytes) and lowvalues (2bytes)..again spaces(14 bytes) lwvallues(2bytes)...till 1500 length

PLs let me know if any one of you have any idea

I tried giving like this,

DO LEN1 = (LENGTH(STRING2) + 1) TO 1500
STRING2 = (STRING2,LEN2,"0000")
LEN1 = LEN1 + 14
LEN2 = LEN2 + 14

But it is throwing error
73 +++ STRING2 = (STRING2,LEN1,"40")
Error running EXPBK2, line 73: Unexpected "," or ")"
Please help me out in intializing this string...
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Re: How to initialize string in REXX

Postby enrico-sorichetti » Mon Mar 28, 2011 8:24 pm

STRING2 = (STRING2,LEN2,"0000")

REXX complains because it does not understand what You are trying to tell
the syntax is not one for a correct assignment!

no need for a DO loop
read the REXX manuals for the COPIES builtin
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Re: How to initialize string in REXX

Postby Pedro » Mon Mar 28, 2011 10:02 pm

STRING2 = (STRING2,LEN2,"0000")

Yeah, it is not clear what you are trying to do there. Perhaps missing a function name.

I suggest you learn how to use the LEFT( ) function.
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Re: How to initialize string in REXX

Postby Steve Coalbran » Wed Apr 06, 2011 12:30 pm

This doesn't much look like REXX to me. What model card punch do you have? ;-)

If you want to assign a string you just do so...
astring = value

if u need it to be 1500 long then say
astring = LEFT(value,1500)

so what u could do is...
astring = LEFT("",1500)

and then overlay the fields at the offsets you require?
astring = OVERLAY(block,astring,12,100)
astring = OVERLAY(clump,astring,256,10)

does that answer it?
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Re: How to initialize string in REXX

Postby Mann_B » Tue Apr 26, 2011 12:47 pm


Thank You ..for you reply

We got the required o/p.

We have calculated the length till we got the vaid messages,and then for rest of the length till the EOF,we have updated with the required fillers.
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