Getting dataset name

IBM's Command List programming language & Restructured Extended Executor

Re: Getting dataset name

Postby MrSpock » Fri Sep 21, 2007 7:32 pm

Jeri Kattar wrote:Hi,
Can anyone help me in this regards.

Are you going to post the output from your TRACE like I asked for earlier?
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Re: Getting dataset name

Postby Jeri Kattar » Tue Sep 25, 2007 7:13 pm

This is the output I get, when I execute the above code.

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Re: Getting dataset name

Postby MrSpock » Tue Sep 25, 2007 11:37 pm

This is my macro code:

/* REXX */                     
TRACE I                         
ADDRESS ISREDIT                 
"ISREDIT MACRO"                 
SAY MEM                         

This is the output when it runs:

     3 *-* ADDRESS ISREDIT                   
     4 *-* "ISREDIT MACRO"                   
       >L>   "ISREDIT MACRO"                 
     5 *-* "ISREDIT (MEM) = DATASET"         
       >L>   "ISREDIT (MEM) = DATASET"       
     6 *-* SAY MEM                           
       >V>   "MRSPOCK.REXX"                   
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Re: Getting dataset name

Postby Jeri Kattar » Wed Sep 26, 2007 12:32 pm

This is the trace obtained, when I executed the code. Return code of 20 is encountered.

      4 *-* "ISREDIT MACRO"
        >L>   "ISREDIT MACRO"
        +++ RC(20) +++
      5 *-* "ISREDIT (MEM) = DATASET"
        >L>   "ISREDIT (MEM) = DATASET"
        +++ RC(20) +++
      6 *-* SAY MEM
        >L>   "MEM"
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Re: Getting dataset name

Postby marso » Wed Sep 26, 2007 9:57 pm

Start with /* REXX */
ISREDIT MACRO must be the 1st statement in the macro, so remove the ADDRESS ISREDIT.
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Re: Getting dataset name

Postby MrSpock » Thu Sep 27, 2007 5:34 pm

After 15 posts, we're finally getting to where we should've been from the first post. The RC=20 is indicative of a major failure.

The only things I can think of:

1. ISPF is not active or not available.
2. The macro is not being called from an ISPF EDIT/VIEW session.

Jeri Kattar, I think it's time for you to get in touch with your System Admin team and have them look into this issue. There isn't, and hasn't, been anything wrong with your code.
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Re: Getting dataset name

Postby dick scherrer » Mon Oct 01, 2007 11:07 pm


Have you run with trace?

The output from a trace may help.
Hope this helps,
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