Database refresh

IBM's flagship relational database management system

Database refresh

Postby paul » Thu Mar 22, 2018 8:28 pm

Hi Team,

I am looking for a develop database refresh tool. For that first I need to know how the data base refresh process in DB2.
Can you please help me to understand the different process.

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Re: Database refresh

Postby enrico-sorichetti » Thu Mar 22, 2018 8:55 pm

If You are not capable of finding that info Yourself
You are not in the position to develop any tool 8-)

data base refresh

wiser to explain what You intend by that

the term was/might-be used when the developing process used/uses a hierarchycal/multi_level model

one of the most common would be like

unit testing ...
only the program is tested

the program/application is tested together with the other relevant application to check the correctness of the data flow

at the unit testing and integration level it the data sometimes does not even reflect the actual data
is not necessary the full correctness / common sense logic / consistency
- the balance of the account of a client with occupation beggar, would usually be a few millions of the most expensive currency
- you will find gazillions of clients named Donald Duck, living in Quackville

the program/applications are tested in a secure environment with copies of the actual data
( sometimes/often with some data mangled - depending on the legal constraints )

the name tells

data base refresh was/could-be used to define the process to ... the name tells
refresh the data of the pre-production databases to provide an updated view of the production data

anyway data base refresh is not a DB2/any_other_DB_manager concern
it is simply a set of rules dictated by the organisation practices/rules and the application characteristics
When I tell somebody to RTFM or STFW I usually have the page open in another tab/window of my browser,
so that I am sure that the information requested can be reached with a very small effort
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