Hi, could you help please.
to change pl/i compiler options we can use *process statement,
is there a statement to change DB2 precompiler options from inside the program?
thank you.
What is this asking? For something to happen "inside the program", it would need to be compiled?is there a statement to change DB2 precompiler options from inside the program?
My question was is there similar way to change DB2 precompiller options?
If you use the PL/I macro processor, you must not use the PL/I *PROCESS statement in the source to pass options to the PL/I compiler. You can specify the needed options on the PARM.PLI= parameter of the EXEC statement in the DSNHPLI procedure.
You haven't spent much time in the IBM manuals, then, have you? When the manual tells you not to do something, that's not somebody saying they don't know how -- you are being told that at best unpredictable results will occur (at worst, you can bring down the entire LPAR you're running in) if you attempt to do what the manual says not to do.And "you can not, must not" often is used to show "i do not know how".
Yes, it often is - however i have never seen this meaning when stated in an IBM manual. . . Which was mentioned immediately before the quote. . .And "you can not, must not" often is used to show "i do not know how".
From the V8 Application Programming and SQL Guide:
If you believe your decision should override published direction from the author/vendor you are completely out of our league.I will make a decision how strong that "must" is for my particular case.
dick scherrer wrote:Hello,Yes, it often is - however i have never seen this meaning when stated in an IBM manual. . . Which was mentioned immediately before the quote. . .And "you can not, must not" often is used to show "i do not know how".From the V8 Application Programming and SQL Guide:If you believe your decision should override published direction from the author/vendor you are completely out of our league.I will make a decision how strong that "must" is for my particular case.