Iam trying to use the SQL assist. (command edit - SQL assist icon)
OS: Z/OS 1.10
DB: DB2 OS390 V 9.1
DB2 Client:
DB21085I Instance "DB2" uses "32" bits and DB2 code release "SQL09051" with
level identifier "03020107".
Informational tokens are "DB2 v9.5.100.3130", "special_20479", "WR21402_20479",
and Fix Pack "1".
Product is installed at "C:\myfold\db\db2udb95" with DB2 Copy Name "DB2COPY1".
I get the error message when i click on "SQL" assist icon in the command editor from the client.
"No authorized routine named "SYSIBM.SQLTABLES" of type "" having compatible arguments was found
I checked this
OS: Z/OS 1.10
DB: DB2 OS390 V 8.1.5
DB2 Client: Same as above
When i click on SQL Assist icon in command editor, it works fine.
I can query sysibm.systables too. So there is permission is what i confirm.
Any difference in the version 8.1.5 and 9.1?
Can anyone let me know what's been missed in settings for DB2 OS390 V 9.1?