I have read a lot of docs about DB2 date and time format, generally it's packed decimals, 4 bytes for date and 3 bytes for time. But could you please explain a bit more about this format please? Here is example of some db2pd output:
db2pd -d sales1 -activestatements
Database Partition 0 -- Database SALES1 -- Active -- Up 0 days 13:40:08
Active Statement List:
Address AppHandl [nod-index] UOW-ID StmtID AnchID StmtUID EffISO EffLockTOut EffDegree EntryTime StartTime LastRefTime
0x0700000042919800 8 [000-00008] 1 454715737 0 0 1 -2 0 Tue Aug 3 23:59:50 Tue Aug 3 23:59:50 Tue Aug 3 23:59:50
0x070000004259CFC0 8 [000-00008] 1 3 0 0 1 -2 2 Tue Aug 3 19:34:20 Tue Aug 3 19:34:20 Tue Aug 3 19:34:20
0x070000004259D300 8 [000-00008] 1 2 0 0 1 -2 2 Tue Aug 3 19:34:20 Tue Aug 3 19:34:20 Tue Aug 3 23:59:50
0x070000004259D640 8 [000-00008] 1 1 196 1 1 -2 0 Tue Aug 3 19:34:19 Tue Aug 3 19:34:19 Tue Aug 3 19:34:19
The question is about EntryTime, StartTime, LastRefTime. How will "Tue Aug 3 23:59:50" be stored? According to docs it should be like following: 20100803235950 and then convert each two digits as packed decimals into one byte. Can you please show me an example how this process looks like?
Thank you!