Which is faster - whether db2 or VSAM

IBM's flagship relational database management system

Which is faster - whether db2 or VSAM

Postby madhavan » Mon Mar 26, 2012 6:09 pm


I have one question which one is efficient and faster \

whether db2 or VSAM?

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Re: DB2

Postby Alison Oliveira » Mon Mar 26, 2012 6:44 pm

look at this...
http://search400.techtarget.com/tip/Why ... -than-VSAM

this will help you! i think!
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Re: DB2

Postby Robert Sample » Mon Mar 26, 2012 7:04 pm

Your questions is pretty close to garbage. There are times when DB2 makes sense, just as there are times when VSAM makes sense. And there are times when using SORT makes sense. When a situation mandates DB2, asking whether it is "<more> efficient and faster" is like asking "How high is up?" The answer won't really matter since the software is required.

VSAM is a way to access data in a file. DB2 is a data base management system. Comparing the two is like comparing Windows Media Player to a Macintosh. Yes, you can do the comparison, but under almost all circumstances the results of the comparison mean nothing.
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Re: DB2

Postby madhavan » Mon Mar 26, 2012 7:13 pm

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Re: DB2

Postby dick scherrer » Tue Mar 27, 2012 12:22 am


You need to spend just a little time creating a meaningful Title for your topic. . .

Using DB2 as the title for a topic is completely useless. This entire part of the forum is for DB2.

I suspect that any other such titles will simply be deleted.

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Re: Which is faster - whether db2 or VSAM

Postby sinmani » Wed Apr 04, 2012 2:37 pm

The answer to this question depends on a lot of factor.
A very important one is the size of the data.

If your data is is small use VSAM. VSAM is definitely faster in case of small data. Now if your data keeps growing then finally managing them using a VSAM becomes difficult in such cases we migrate to DB2.
Now here I would like to notify you that DB2 too is composed of VSAM files.

So for huge data size Db2 is faster than VSAM because of lots of feautres which comes packed with DB2, sophisticated alogorithms etc.

I hope this helps
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Re: Which is faster - whether db2 or VSAM

Postby saikiran » Thu May 10, 2012 5:53 pm

Good Question Boss,

VSAM is fast why because every system they will implement based on existing system.
so obviously vsam is faster.
In VSAM:Single step to Handling with data.
DB2:Two Step Process:DB2->File System.
Effecient : DB2 is efficient & Secure because we have many key words to fetch,store Etc.
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Re: Which is faster - whether db2 or VSAM

Postby Robert Sample » Thu May 10, 2012 6:10 pm

so obviously vsam is faster.
And you have obviously never had to update a VSAM file that had 6 alternate indexes defined on it, each allowing duplicates and being updated when the base is updated, or you wouldn't be quite so fast to make such a bold statement.
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