Firstly, I tried to search if I can find the answer from the forum or google, but I failed. My issue is when I recreate the db2 components (tables, index...etc.) after dropping them, I meet the following errors:
+IDI0001I Fault Analyzer V10R1M0 (UK62342 2010/11/18) invoked by IDIXDCAP using SYS1.IFA.PARMLIB(IDICNF00)
+IDI0044I Current fault is a duplicate of fault ID F00001 in history file SYSU.IFA.HIST - the duplicate count is
+IDI0053I Fault history file entry suppressed due to: Duplicate fault or End Processing user exit
+IDI0002I Module IGG019AQ offset X'E8': Abend S013-X'18'
I see there is a record in SYSU.IFA.HIST($$INDEX) and so many Fxxxxx members to log the jobs and user ids which executed the DDL statements to create db2 components. But I don't know what do they used for.
Could anyone please kindly help to solve this problem? Thanks.