by cbrio » Wed Sep 09, 2009 10:30 pm
By 6ff, I meant that all of the rest of the data start in column 6, and continue forward to the end of the record.
I have numerous files with this issue, here is an example of the file layout of one of them:
KEY 1 17 A17
SEQNO 18 22 A5
BOROUGH 23 24 A2
ZIP 25 29 A5
ADDRESS 30 59 A30
TRACT00 60 72 A13
LPDATE_1 73 80 A8
DDATE_P 81 88 A8
DDATE_S1 89 96 A8
TM2NXTLP 97 109 A13
RES_UNIT 110 122 A13
ADD_NUM 123 135 A13
ADD_STRT 136 160 A25
LP_OUTCM 161 170 A10
BORO 171 171 A1
SORTDATE 172 177 A6
ALTKEY 178 220 A43
I am working with RECFM=FB, LRECL in this case 220
Here are a couple of actual records from this file (sorry, they are wrapping here because they are so long):
100031IRVIN 63853MN100031 IRVING PLACE 02/20/0312/23/9707/05/05 1 1 IRVING PLACE 5-Arms le M030220100031IRVING PLACE
100031IRVIN 63854MN100031 IRVING PLACE 03/21/0311/15/89 363 1 1 IRVING PLACE 6-Subsequ M030321100031IRVING PLACE
I do not know the maximum number of output files (it will vary depending on the data), but I believe the maximum would be on the order of tens, not hundreds or thousands (e.g., perhaps there might be 15 repetitions of the key). This is just a guess, I have no way of knowing before hand.
Here is a sample DD statement (does not include recfm and lrecl because those will replicate the input file (FB and lrecl=220 in this case)
I believe that I am not allowed to submit a job to the internal reader.
Thank you for your help.