Hi Billy,
My requirement was to multiply 2 numbers.
Var 1 --> 9(16) PD
Var 2 --> 9(5)v9(10) ZD
When I multiply these 2 numbers I lost leading 10 digits.
If I give small value, It works fine, Max value it can hold after multiplication is 9(19)v99.
If the integer part is more than 19 bytes then it would be a problem.
In SAS I declared var3 with 16.2 PD
When I did the multiplication , Var3=var1*var2, It is automatically rounded the multiplied value to 16.2 PD (COBOL equivalent for your reference 9(14)v99)
Don't you agree that we need a lot of logic in SORT just to round the value??
Don't you think, Its time to have internal function which does it??