V6.4: Created a "Second Options Table", Now How Do I Use It?

Unicenter CA-Easytrieve Plus Report Generator: CA's information retrieval and data management tool

V6.4: Created a "Second Options Table", Now How Do I Use It?

Postby ApexNC » Thu Feb 18, 2016 11:53 pm

Basically, running Easytrieve 6.4 in batch, I want to have SMS determine SYSPRINT block size by using BLOCK0=P in the Options Table (EZTPOPT).
JCL override is *not* an option.
I have followed the instructions at http://www.ca.com/us/support/ca-support ... 49451.aspx ("Create a Second Options Table") to the letter and that part worked fine.
Now I need to know how to bring this "second options table" to bear on my batch job.
I assume some sort of DD statement is needed, referring to the loadlib with the options table?
I've searched the 'net and haven't found any sample JCL to run with a "second options table" so I thought I'd ask here.
My knowledge of z/OS and Assembler is pretty good, but I have to admit I'm a noob when it comes to Easytrieve - not my favorite language, by any means.
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Re: V6.4: Created a "Second Options Table", Now How Do I Use

Postby BillyBoyo » Fri Feb 19, 2016 1:46 am

Do you already have a STEPLIB/JOBLIB with a DD for where Easytrieve Plus resides? You'll probably find the options table there, and be able to concatenate your library prior to that.

If you don't have already, include a STEPLIB/JOBLIB, and your library with the options table earlier than the library with the default options table in it.
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Re: V6.4: Created a "Second Options Table", Now How Do I Use

Postby ApexNC » Fri Feb 19, 2016 4:45 am

The Easytrieve 6.4 Load Library is STEPLIB+1 in the concatenation, just below my load library, which has just my simple test program and the EZTPOPT module I recompiled.
However, I still get the same results: SYSPRINT LRECL and BLKSIZE both 133.
Now I'm wondering the EZTPOPT module gets factored in at run time or compile time?
I see literals in my test load module for "OPTTBL" and "OPTT"...
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Re: V6.4: Created a "Second Options Table", Now How Do I Use

Postby BillyBoyo » Fri Feb 19, 2016 3:29 pm

Difficult without having access to Easytrieve Plus :-)

I would check for any aliases involving that particular module.

I'd try to copy the library to one of my own, from which I could safely delete members to expect an S806 to confirm that it is being loaded.

Stuff like that.

I've never done this, but I know it has been done. I would be surprised if the behaviour for the compile-and-link was not the same, but I can't confirm that.

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Re: V6.4: Created a "Second Options Table", Now How Do I Use

Postby ApexNC » Fri Feb 19, 2016 10:27 pm

"... copy the library to one of my own ... safely delete members to expect an S806 to confirm that it is being loaded"
Bingo! That got it. S806 on EZTPOPT at runtime and when I put my version in a higher library I can see the changes with and without it.
So, the "How Do I Use a Second Options Table" question is resolved.
It still seems to only affect Printer outputs other than SYSPRINT, but at least now I know this approach appears to be a dead end for trying to achieve the original objective, which is to force SYSPRINT BLKSIZE=0 without a JCL override.
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