I've been able to copy a few lines from notepad to ISPF EDIT in a TSO session running in a terminal emulator window, but only a screen at a time. For something longer, you want to do a file transfer, as premkrishnan says.
Yup, copy/paste is a pain for anything more than a few lines . . .
Lately, everywhere i've been the mainframe runs an ftp server and all of the client pc's have tcp/ip. Using the ftp client on the pc should do just fine.
Thank you. I ll definitely try it.I dont have a mainframe access now.I ll post if something doesnt work fine. I just love this forum.For a beginner like me its a paradise..
But when ever i try to copy I get an acknowledgement saying lost connection with host..Why would that happen?
usually brutal CUT and PASTE from a PC thing to a 3270 screen will behave quite unpredictably
generally entering in the 3270 screen odd chars and that will result usually in session errors and loss of the host connection
cheers enrico When I tell somebody to RTFM or STFW I usually have the page open in another tab/window of my browser, so that I am sure that the information requested can be reached with a very small effort
If not, do so and let us know what happens. If there is some problem using ftp, do NOT say "it didn't work". You need to provide the specifics if someone here is to be able to help.