i need to add multiple lines at the end of all the members of a pds. i came up with the below code but using this i am able to update only a single member.
please help me with the changes needed so that all members of the pds can be updated.
below is the code:
js010 exec pgm=sort,region=4096k
sysprint dd sysout=*
sysout dd sysout=*
sortin dd dsn=igc.niloy.pds(membername),disp=shr
sortout dd dsn=igc.niloy.pds(membername),disp=shr
sysin dd *
option copy
outfil trailer1=('//step01 exec pgm=sort',/,
'//sysprint dd sysout=*',/,
sysprint dd sysout=*
sysout dd sysout=*
sortin dd dsn=igc.niloy.pds(membername),disp=shr
sortout dd dsn=igc.niloy.pds(membername),disp=shr
sysin dd *
option copy
outfil trailer1=('//step01 exec pgm=sort',/,
'//sysprint dd sysout=*',/,
please help||||||||