Hi all,
I've a requirement,where I need to add override statement to pick the proc from another library for 3k jobs.Is their any way,where I can say add below statement only before first exec statement in a JCL.
// JCLLIB ORDER=userid.test.proclib
Is there any way/utility we can achieve this.Any inputs will be helpful.
/* rexx
Run an ISPF Edit Macro against every member of named pds
Syntax: %Editall dsname edit-macro
arg dsn mac
"LISTDS" requote(dsn) "MEMBERS"
dsn = unquote(dsn)
do n = 7 to lst.0
Address ISPEXEC "EDIT DATASET('"dsn"("strip(lst.n)")') MACRO("mac")"
Requote: if arg(1)='' then return '';else return "'"Unquote(arg(1))"'"
Unquote: return strip(space(translate(arg(1)," ","'")))