LISTDS in batch mode

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LISTDS in batch mode

Postby samb01 » Tue Mar 31, 2020 3:53 pm

Heelo, i would like the DSLIST in the batch mode to get all informations we have by doing 3.4 in ISPF panel (number of traks, extent DCB etc...)

I used the IDCAMS program, but i can't have the number of extent.

And the result is not like a real 3.4 in ISPF panel.

Is it to do it not using REXX ?

Thank's for your help

//LISTE  EXEC PGM=IDCAMS                              
//SYSIN DD *                                          
  LISTCAT CAT(X) ENTRIES(X.DATA.*) ALL                
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Re: LISTDS in batch mode

Postby steve-myers » Wed Apr 01, 2020 5:19 pm

I think it could be done in Rexx using some combination of IGGCSI and LISTDSI, but it would be awfully large and rather slow. I don't know if SYSUSEDEXTENTS would be populated for VSAM data sets.

I sort of recall someone asking essentially the same question several years ago.
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