I use viasoft to debug my program. in my first time, I got the panel as following after I viasub my compiler JCL.
but the second time, I compile again, the panel disappear. even though I complile another program, the following
panel didn't appear anymore. I think it must be setup in somewhere to control the panel. does anybody know that,
Analyze Submit Parameters
Command ===> ________________________________________________________________
E - Edit JCL S - Submit JCL D - ASG-SmartDoc Options
Analyze features (Y/N):
ASG-Insight: Y ASG-SmartTest: Y Extended Analysis: Y
ASG-SmartDoc: Y
AKR data set name 'MP.LXW039.AKR'
AKR program name MP0FAVTP (if overriding PROGRAM-ID)
Analyze options:
Compile? (Y/N) . . . . . . . . . Y (Y if needed by features)
Command ===> ________________________________________________________________
E - Edit JCL S - Submit JCL D - ASG-SmartDoc Options
Analyze features (Y/N):
ASG-Insight: Y ASG-SmartTest: Y Extended Analysis: Y
ASG-SmartDoc: Y
AKR data set name 'MP.LXW039.AKR'
AKR program name MP0FAVTP (if overriding PROGRAM-ID)
Analyze options:
Compile? (Y/N) . . . . . . . . . Y (Y if needed by features)