How to set maxcc=0???

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How to set maxcc=0???

Postby ibmmf4u » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:51 pm

Hi Everyone,

You might be already well versed in setting the maxcc of a program but please help me out!!!

Below mentioned is my requirement:-

The program is trying to FTP a file to destination server. It has four steps.
Step01:- Validates the FTP account
step02,03,04:- FTP's the same file to the destination server subsequently in case if previous step fails.

step020 exec pgm=ftpprog,
say if step020.RC > 0 then it executes
step030 exec pgm=ftpprog,
say if step030.RC > 0 then it executes
step040 exec pgm=ftpprog

My requirement here is to set the Maxcc=0 if the FTP is successful in either of the three steps.

I have already tried the below piece of code:-

if ( step020.RC =0 | step030.RC =0 | step040.RC=0) then
step050 exec pgm=idcams
sysin dd *
set maxcc=0

Its just setting the RC of step050.

please help me out in setting the MAXCC = 0 for the program. It would be grateful!!!!!!!
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Re: How to set maxcc=0???

Postby MrSpock » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:23 pm

You'll need the latest version of z/OS (V1R13, I believe) to accomplish this. Do you have that available?
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Re: How to set maxcc=0???

Postby MrSpock » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:31 pm

The release notes for JES2 on z/OS Version 1 Release 13 mentions this enhancement:

Support is planned for job return codes. This support will be designed to allow you to specify that the job return code be set to the highest return code encountered by any step, the last step, or a specified step in the job. This will help make it simpler to interpret the results of job execution.
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Re: How to set maxcc=0???

Postby steve-myers » Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:24 am

Lookup the JOBRC information in z/OS V1R13.0 MVS JCL Reference. As Mr Spock says this is a new feature in z/OS V1R13, so it probably is not running in your shop.
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Re: How to set maxcc=0???

Postby ibmmf4u » Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:11 pm

Hi Spock and Steve,

Thanks for your replies . we are currently using Z/OS V1R12.0 in our shop.
can you please let me know is there any way in achieving my requirement in Z/OS V1R12.0 .
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Re: How to set maxcc=0???

Postby Akatsukami » Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:35 pm

ibmmf4u wrote:Hi Spock and Steve,

Thanks for your replies . we are currently using Z/OS V1R12.0 in our shop.
can you please let me know is there any way in achieving my requirement in Z/OS V1R12.0 .

There is no way to set the completion code of a job in z/OS V1.12 or below (V1.13 was only released in September, IIRC, so it is not surprising that your shop isn't running it). i recommend that you re-think the way that your process runs.
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Re: How to set maxcc=0???

Postby enrico-sorichetti » Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:20 pm

ibmmf4u wrote:Hi Spock and Steve,

Thanks for your replies . we are currently using Z/OS V1R12.0 in our shop.
can you please let me know is there any way in achieving my requirement in Z/OS V1R12.0 .

don' t You think that if there was one, You would have been told how to implement it ? :evil:
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